Still Morning – Artist Couples Exhibition Series

Jeweler and printmaker, husband and wife, mother and father – collaborations of the studio, house, and home.

Shifting Spaces

Above : Installation view of Beyond Form

Eight months. Eight months we have been quiet… but certainly not still.


In the time since our last post, we took on three enormous house projects that quickly consumed every empty second. Steven enclosed our back porch and repaired extensive termite damage almost entirely on his own (with a couple of old-fashioned barn raising moments) to create two new his and hers studios and take back space for a toddler’s room.

So much more than a room with a view, having separate spaces to make with doors that close really is a long time dream come true, with just a bit of nightmare in the getting there. Meanwhile, our boy is now almost 18 months old, and last night (after a long slow carousel of shifting spaces) he slept in his own room for the very first time. Now that’s an accomplishment.


Below : Kathleen's Studio

Above : Steven's Studio

Admittedly, our original ribbon cutting was postponed a bit – from August to November – but we are quickly getting back on track for our exhibition in January with the help of a few new and fast-approaching deadlines.


For the installation and performance exhibition ‘Beyond Form’, curated by Du Chau and opening this week at The Center in Richardson, Steven and I are gathering up new and old works to uncover our deeper patterns of making and overlapping imagery. We hope this will unearth a groundwork for new pieces as we watch conversations unfold between unexpected pairings.

Left : Installation View Beyond Form

Then in December, I have been invited into a group exhibition featuring the work of adjunct educators titled ‘A Thing Added’ at 500X Gallery in Dallas. There I’m hoping to install extensions of the series ‘We Carry Volumes’ that explore the fragile permanence of electroforming and fleeting moments of motherhood.


Finally, Steven will enjoy the special privilege of installing simultaneous exhibitions in January with his solo show at 500X going up right on the heels of our collaborative exhibition at Texas A&M in Commerce.


When it rains…