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SNAG Portland

It's already that time of year again . . . . Time to start planning for the SNAG 2018 Conference in Portland, OR! Registration will being soon after the new year, along with a new, reduced conference fee. In the meantime, you can get involved by applying for several opportunities!

"SNAG is bringing back conference Volunteer T-Shirts! We need YOUR help to create a fun and engaging design to help identify SNAG volunteers at the conference. The t-shirts are a way to thank our volunteers for their countless hours of help. There will be a limited design release for the year of 2018 and will be available to conference volunteers. The t-shirts will represent SNAG and potentially serve as an introduction to the public.” This opportunity is open to all members. Find more information here.
SNAG is also is offering a limited number of Conference Student Scholarships, for 2018. Full or part-time students enrolled in degree or certificate programs will now apply directly to SNAG for conference scholarships. SNAG feels that giving you, the students, the opportunity to put yourselves forward enables you to control the application process. This also lets SNAG get to know you as an individual, interested in being part of our community and attending our programs.
Need more convincing? Here's a testimony from Becka Jean, one of 2017's recipients.
“Having the scholarship was a huge deal for me.  I certainly would not of been able to go to New Orleans without it.  Also having the scholarship gave me some extra money to stay at the same hotel as the conference.  Starting out as a student, I don’t have a lot of money, but I always save up to go to a SNAG conference.  The conferences are always a wealth of information and a great time.  Every penny counts and thanks to everyone who donated!  Your money is very much appreciated!
Becka Jean
Seton Hill University”
If you're not eligible for a student scholarship, please consider making a donation to support this program. For more information on the CSS and other opportunities for students,please check here.
Stayed tuned for more conference info and other goings on at SNAG!