The Association for Contemporary Jewellery

The Association for Contemporary Jewellery is devoted to the promotion, representation, understanding and development of contemporary jewellery in the United Kingdom and abroad.


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  • Rebecca Skeels

    Arts Council England: Covid-19: Government and non-governmental support
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Arts Council England - full support guide - The latest advice, guidance and emergency funding measures we’ve put in place to address the Covid-19/Coronavirus crisis.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Creative & Freelance ToolKit for Covid 19 (UK)
    by Remi Harris
  • Rebecca Skeels

    BBC Arts announced several new programmes for their virtual festival of the arts, Culture in Quarantine,

  • Rebecca Skeels

    SNAG understands that COVID-19 has created much disruption to educational institutions. Many of you are now charged with teaching remotely. On March 16, 2020 SNAG held a virtual In Conversation meeting for educators to brainstorm and share ideas to help create online learning lessons. Thanks to everyone who participated.

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Dear Members,

    Greetings from the Association for Contemporary Jewellery, we hope you are all staying safe indoors, and are as well as can be managed. 

    ACJ staff are still working remotely and from home, as usual. The Glasshouses exhibition is still in the pipeline and more news will be sent in your e-bulletin, so do start planning and making your entries!

    Unfortunately we have closed the Connections | Connessioni exhibition at The Lighthouse in Glasgow, but we are still hoping to take the exhibition to Italy later this year. Again, we'll update you when dates become clear.

    Many of our members have benches and tools at home, but we know that many others do not and cannot be making during the seclusions. We hope you can develop some good designs! The Board are working on some ideas and challenges for you.

  • Rebecca Skeels

    We hope that ACJ regional groups will be able to organise digital remote gatherings via Zoom and other platforms, but they will let their members know of any plans.

    If you have any projects or ideas for other members, send them to Haru for the e-bulletin -

    Very best wishes from the ACJ team

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Running professional development online? Promote your online training or networking events FREE during the lockdown

    1. Be sure your online event is about professional development or support for those working in the sector. (Wonderful though they are, we can’t promote all the brilliant online activities and opportunities you are offering to your audiences)
    2. Be sure the event is to take place within the next four weeks
    3. Upload the details as a Premium Event up to 4 weeks on the ArtsProfessional website

    The online form asks for billing details, but you can ignore them!  

    We simply want you to be able to reach our readers.

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Handmade Oxford moves to 17 - 20 September 2020

  • Rebecca Skeels

    LCW: Announcing New Dates
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Crafts Council: Zoom meetup: Arts Council England funding

    Arts Council England published information ( on their Emergency Response Package, covering financial support for artists. Eligibility criteria includes a track record of working in the publicly funded culture sector in the last three years, and experience of making and delivering work supported by funds from arm’s length bodies. We will be holding a Zoom session to answer your questions on Monday 6 April at 2pm.

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Crafts Council UK - Craft participation call out
    Swathes of people are looking for craft ideas as they cope with life in isolation. We want to compile all the brilliant online craft tutorials, workshops, kits and how-to’s that amateur makers can do. If you have content already, or feel you could get creative with your current environment, please email us at We are also keen to hear from anyone who thinks they could create something that could work on TV or radio!
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Crafts Council -
    Maker survey on the impact of Coronavirus
    Nearly 600 makers responded to our survey on the likely economic impact of the Coronavirus crisis on their business. The key issues were access to funding and the need for practical support, access to selling opportunities, and the need for advocacy. Read more detail and the Crafts Council’s plans to address these concerns here.
  • Rebecca Skeels Applications for DBACE 2020 now close April 7, 2020

  • Rebecca Skeels

    The second round of our Hardship Fund has now closed. 10 applicants, chosen at random, have been notified. Round 3 is now open for applications.
    Deadline for 3rd Round: Thursday 9th April 4:00 pm.
    If you have already applied, and were unsuccessful, we welcome you to apply again. We urge successful applicants not to apply again, as we want to be able to support as many people as possible.
    About our Fund:
    Any member facing financial hardship and who are unable to work, disabled, a career, on low income or freelance is eligible to apply.
    We won't ask you to explain why, but ask that you only apply if you need the money.
    We have initially made available a fund of £5,000. Each week for five weeks we will distribute 10 x £100 awards.
    Learn more and apply for the Hardship Fund here >
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Making Space seeks to appoint a new Director
    The Trustees of Making Space are seeking an experienced and dynamic Director, with the energy and ability to take the organisation forward through a period of transition and challenge.
    The post of Director is currently part time (Up to 22 hours a week – Monday to Friday to include some weekend /evening cover) with the potential to become full time subject to funding.
    Salary £28-33K (pro rata) per annum depending on experience.
    To apply for this position, download the application pack or email us to request a copy.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    SNAG- After weeks of deliberation and countless thoughtful conversations and consultations with our lawyer, it is with a heavy heart that we officially announce the cancellation of the 2020 SNAG Conference. Though we have not yet been released from our contract with the conference hotel, we cannot, in good faith, risk the health and safety of anyone involved by proceeding with our gathering. Some of you may be disappointed by this news. Some will be relieved. Chances are it will not come as a big surprise at this point, and like so much of the news around this world crisis, will bring a mix of emotions.
    Please watch the video above and then for detailed information please go here:
    We thank you for your support and patience as we work through the cancellation process and hope you all are staying well.
    SNAG Board and Staff
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Handmade Chelsea - The Contemporary Craft and Design Fair
    We feel it's important for you to have events to look forward to later in the year, just as we are excited about Handmade Chelsea - The Contemporary Craft and Design Fair (13 - 15 November).
    From selection in May, we start to work with you over the spring and summer months, connecting you to our audience who are well-informed and great supporters of the craft sector - many of whom have been in touch to say they are looking forward to our annual event, now celebrating its 14th year.
    As a direct selling event taking place six weeks before Christmas, Handmade Chelsea continues to celebrate the best in high-end design and craftsmanship. We are seeking over 100 highly-skilled, international and UK-based makers who will benefit from gaining new buyers, press and industry contacts.
    Exhibiting with us couldn’t be easier as we have waived our application fees and added something extra; monthly instalments. As spaces are highly sought-after in each discipline, we recommend applying early before the deadline of Thursday 30 April.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    LCW Picks:
    Shoppable Online Collections
    Sian Evans Jewellery
    'Rethink. Recycle. Redesign' is Sian Evan's tagline. It's an apt introduction for her individual style of jewellery, made in London using recycled gold and vintage stones and designed to be worn and re-worn, and to improve with time.
    The new collections use recycled metals that Sian collects by swapping and bartering her work for her customers' old or broken pieces of jewellery in a closed loop sustainability system.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    ACE: Ensuring the people and organisations in the cultural sector are supported during the Covid-19 crisis is now our number one priority.
    We're making £160 million of emergency funding available for individuals and organisations who will need it during this crisis. Today we've published the guidance for our emergency response funds open to individuals and organisations who aren't part of our National Portfolio.
    Along with this, we've collated guidance and resources from the government and other professional bodies, which might be helpful to you.
    We know these are tough times. It's been amazing to see artists, creative practitioners and organisations coming together to support each other: we've pulled together a list of just a few of the many resources and workshops that are on offer across the sector.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Emergency funding package
    We've launched our Emergency Response Package, which is made up of: £20 million available to individuals, £50 million to organisations outside of our National Portfolio and £90 million to our National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs).
    Today, we've published the guidance for our first two funds, and details for NPOs will be available soon.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Additional support available to you
    We've pulled together the latest support and guidance available from the government and other professional bodies, for both individuals and organisations.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Join the #CreativeNetwork

    Voluntary Arts has launched #CreativeNetwork, an online get-together of people involved in arts, culture and creativity. Join the network at 9.30am every weekday to chat about current challenges and to make new connections.


  • Rebecca Skeels

    #IJL2020, read on to find out what we’ve been up to.

    IJL 2020

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Open Call for Virtual Exhibitions. Publish your Canceled Event at Klimt02

  • Rebecca Skeels

    CRAFT IN FOCUS: Cancellation of Wisley Craft Fair

    Unfortunately we have had to cancel this year's Spring Contemporary Craft Fair due to be held at RHS Garden Wisley (29 April-3 May). We apologise for any inconvenience and we are very sad that the event will not be taking place this year.

    However we have put together a fabulous ‘Virtual Craft Fair’ which showcases all the amazing designer makers you’d normally see at Wisley but you’ll be able to see it all from the comfort of your home! Make sure you take a look at the fair here and help support the craftmakers and designers by getting some of the finest handmade items delivered to your door!

    Visit the Wisley Virtual Craft Fair

    Our hearts go out to all of our exhibitors who have had so many events cancelled. These events are so important to them as it's where they are able to show and sell their work to the public and, as all of you that follow Craft In Focus events know, our events offer the public a chance to meet the maker (as we don't accept anyone selling imported or mass-produced work) and find out about their inspiration and how they create the work. Many of our exhibitors spend most of their working day alone in their workshop or studio and it will be very hard for them not being able to exhibit at events and meet their buyers (and other exhibitors).

    Finally if you use Instagram throughout the month of April many of our exhibitors are posting information about other makers whose work they admire using the hashtag #MeetMyFellowExhibitor.

    Please check our website for details of our other events and we hope to see you again some time soon.

    Other changes to our Calendar

    Trentham Gardens, Contemporary Craft Fair - postponed until 24-27 September 2020

    Waterperry Gardens, Celebrating Ceramics - cancelled. Returning 16-18 July 2021

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Sign up today and get your students, audience and community members creating and sharing immediately. The Big Draw provides the ideal platform to launch digital creative projects, resources and events.
    We know that these are strange and unprecedented times, particularly for schools worldwide. Therefore, we have decided to extend our
    Early Bird Offer to allow more schools to take part.
    Sign up
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Open Call JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects 2020

  • Rebecca Skeels Open call for ENJOIA’T Contemporary Jewellery Awards 2020, an international award addressed to students and professional jewelers.
    Open call until the 5th of June 2020.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Open Call for the Legnica International Jewellery Competition 2020 The deadline for submitting work is extended. The exhibition is postponed to 2021 since SILVER Festival 2020 has been canceled officially.

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Due to the difficult economic circumstances, we are glad to announce that for the new members registering on the portal from April the 4th 2020,
    entry fees will be reduced from 80€ to 40 €.
    This reduction will be valid until June the 30th.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Join Handmade in Britain for the 14th edition of Handmade Chelsea
    Working at the moment might not be easy that's why it's important to have events to look forward to later in the year and so we would like to invite you to apply for Handmade Chelsea - The Contemporary Craft and Design Fair (13 - 15 November).
    Taking place just six weeks before Christmas, Handmade Chelsea continues to celebrate the best in high-end design and craftsmanship from over 100 international and UK-based makers and Artisan Food producers who will benefit from gaining new buyers, press and industry contacts.
    In support of your application we have waived our application fees when you come to apply online and added something extra - monthly instalments to those selected for the show. As spaces are highly sought-after in each discipline, we recommend applying early before the deadline of Thursday 30 April.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    DACS continues to campaign on behalf of artists during these extraordinary times.

    Read on for

    Opportunities to have your voice heard

    Information on how to claim Payback royalties

    Activities from leading artists to help get you through lockdown


  • Rebecca Skeels

    ACE @ArtsCouncilEngland Latest guidance

    Last week we published application guidance to Emergency Response Package funding for individuals and organisations outside of the National Portfolio.

    We've made a small update to the applicant guidance and one FAQ for the organisations' fund around what we mean by having a history of public funding. This small change makes the guidance clearer, and in line with what we've said in the guidance for individuals.

    We’ve also recently published more accessible versions of the guidance for applicants, including Large Print and Easy Read for both funds; and applicants to the fund for individuals can also now see guidance in British Sign Language.

    Guidance for organisations >

    Guidance for individuals >

  • Rebecca Skeels

    ACE: An update on our other funding programmes
    We've updated our website with the status of all of our other live funding programmes so you can find everything you need in one place. This includes, for example, assurance that offers of funding through our Small Capital programme for 2019/20 still stand, whereas our 2020/21 round of Small Capital has been cancelled due to Covid-19 and the emergency measures we've put in place to respond to the crisis.
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Behind the scenes, the Goldsmiths' Company has been working with the Charity (the Goldsmiths’ Company Charity) to set up a new Fund – The Goldsmiths’ COVID-19 Fund – to provide support to those in our trade that need it most, whether they are a member of the Goldsmiths’ Company or not.
    From the end of April 2020, eligible members of the jewellery, silversmithing and allied industries who are self-employed, sole traders or running micro-businesses of five employees or less in the UK and are in financial difficulty will be able to apply online for funds in the form of a grant or loan. The Fund is still being worked out and full details will be announced later this month.
    In the meantime, you can read more here:
  • Rebecca Skeels

    The Goldsmiths' Centre Skills Hub.
    We are continuing to share inspiring and educational resources through our online Skills Hub. Here you can access our back-catalogue of Creative Links talks, articles and industry-specific content designed for those in the goldsmithing industry.

    To access these resources, follow our Instagram account at @gsmithscentre (#stayINspired) and visit:

  • Rebecca Skeels

    SNAG - Reminder: 2020 Conference Donation/Refund Forms are due on April 15th. Any registrant wishing to receive a refund must complete this form. Find full details and a link to the form HERE. Thank you!

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Snag - Be sure not to miss out on information about upcoming In Conversation sessions and other resources specific to you!
    Sign up to our mailing lists:
    Studio Artists
    For SNAG's COVID-19 Resource Page, click HERE
  • Rebecca Skeels

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Ruth Asawa Artworks Grace New US Postage Stamps
    The Japanese-American artist’s wire sculptures have been likened to birds’ nests. Here’s a first look at some of the designs.

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Crafts Council: Virtual art and craft exhibitions to enjoy while isolated

  • Rebecca Skeels

  • Rebecca Skeels

    HOCP at HOME
    In response to the current health crisis we are delighted to launch HOCP at HOME.
    Cancelling our forthcoming programme at Cove Park has been unfortunate but we are delighted to offer Hands-On workshops online while you are all at home. We have commissioned a number of our former residents to create short films which we hope will give an insight into their work and provide inspiration for projects you can do at home. These will air every Saturday over the next few weeks.
    The first - presented by visual artist Hrafnhildur Hallsdottir and edited by Duncan Marquiss - will go live this Saturday, 11 April, at 10.00am on the
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Nineteen48 -Working with Kandy Kids in Sri Lanka

    In February and March, Steve from Kandy Kids was in Sri Lanka as usual, helping out a number of children's homes, orphanages, and underprivileged families, mostly in the areas around Negombo and Kandy. Steve used the funds raised since his previous visit to provide food, clothes, school books and other essential items to as many children as possible.

    Thanks to the amazing contributions from our generous sponsors and the money raised from numerous car boot sales and other activities in 2019, Steve was able to continue the work he started way back in 2007.

    We are very proud to partner with Kandy Kids and, this year, Stuart was also able to volunteer a little bit of his time as a painter and decorator!

    We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who buy gemstones from us and allow us to support good causes like Kandy Kids.

    You can read more about this year's activities on our blog -

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Join AJF Wednesday, April 22, 2020,for a new AJF Live series, Artists Interview Artists. Bruce Metcalf and Anna Talbot feature in the inaugural edition of this online event. Free, and open to members and non-members alike!

    What time?

    9 a.m. PST: San Francisco

    10 a.m. MST: Denver, Mexico City

    11 p.m. CST: San Antonio

    12 p.m. EST: Toronto, NYC, Santiago

    1 p.m.: Buenos Aires

    5 p.m.: London

    6 p.m.: Oslo, Paris, Capetown, Brussels

    7 p.m.: Bucharest, Athens, Israel, Estonia

    11:00 p.m.: Thailand

    1 a.m. on April 23: Korea, Japan

    2 a.m. on April 23: Sydney

    For more information, and to register, follow this link.

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Coronavirus resources for practitioners and organisations

    [updated 16 April 2020]

  • Rebecca Skeels

    Calling all Jewellers, Ceramicists, Glass artists, Designers and Makers

    This is an Invitation to you!

    Take part in my Lockdown Challenge

    A Virtual Exhibition



    The Theme is Unity in Isolation

    Produce a piece of jewellery Inspired by the theme Unity In Isolation.

    Incorporate Colour and/or Texture in the piece you produce.


    Your challenge is to use any material that you can find in your home, for some people this will be easy as they may have a good stock of materials, but for others it may be a bit more challenging.

    I would like to encourage you to use materials that you would not normally use in your practice. But this is not obligatory.


    As the waters clear in Venice, the smog has lifted in China and wild goats have reclaimed the villages in Wales. Let’s give some love to the earth by reusing, upscaling and recycling the materials we have in our home to create something precious.


    Look around your home.

    Are there any materials?

    Do you have any materials that you can make jewellery from?

    What are materials?

    Metal, wool, cotton, fabric, plastic, wood, clay, glass, pebbles sea glass, stones, paper, cardboard, plaster, sellotape, fimo, playdoh, tins, concrete, resin or tissue paper.


    Have a look in your recycling bin, whats in there?

    Tins, cardboard, egg boxes, paper, tinfoil maybe plastic


    Have a look in your keepsake box if you have one, whats in there?

    Most people have found objects like drift wood, pebbles or sea glass, I don’t think I’ve met anyone who could resist picking up a beautiful shell or pebble from a beach.


    Can jewellery be made from any material or does it have to be made from metal and stones?


    Can it be precious if it is not?


    Wearable or non wearable jewellery can be made from any material and can still be skilfully made, it can be beautiful, striking, tactile, colourful, enjoyed, treasured and precious.


    The end product should be photographed as you want it to be worn (you could also include a 10 second video clip if you feel the viewer would benefit from this)

    A brief account of your thought process- this could be in the form of a process story board or a Maximum of 60 words


    The deadline for your submission is 8th May 2020


    Please post your submissions on your Instagram page.

    Tag me in @bekkie_ora or jewellery_bekkieoracheeseman and #unityinisolation2020

    email me your submissions at


  • Rebecca Skeels

    We are sorry to announce the death of Nannette Bowers-Stel who was a long time member of the ACJ. She sadly passed away on 23rd March after some months fighting cancer. Our condolences go out to her family at this difficult time.  
  • Rebecca Skeels

    Birmingham Assay Office: some operations will be reopened, with skeleton staff, for Hallmarking and AnchorCert Pro testing on Thursday 16th April and Friday 17th April. More details