Britt Rynearson


United States

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My new work draws modern lines around the body. Each piece is illuminated from within. Using fabric, I can paint a landscape that moves and wraps around the body; ripples, waves, peaks, valleys. Texture and pattern are elemental aspects of the work and come from my connection to the water. The movement of the surface of water is alive and indescribable. I aim to achieve the same in my textile work.
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  • Brigitte Martin

    Thank you very much for your membership payment and support of crafthaus. Your memnbership is valid through April 15, 2012.

    Enjoy crafthaus !
  • Jenne Giles

    Hi Britt!


    I'm delving into the uber-ruffle zone and making some clothes for fun.  Also, getting some fine art work together...hopefully to fill in Summertime slowness.  Got the sense from your page that you are doing wall-pieces too?  On the personal front: got married recently so that was a big detour and I'm just exploring new creative space right now and settling into our new apartment in Oakland near the lake.  It's a nice change from living in SF, where everything is fast-fast-fast and go-go-go.


    I hear Craftswomen is a pretty good show.  We should hang out when you're here if you have the time! How was CraftBoston?  I've been laying low on the show front.  Keeping overhead low, though touch and go, is letting me invest in more research & development and just developing new creative work :-)


    xo jenne

  • Catherine Marche

    amazing creations! love them