Marlene Brady


Sun City West, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
Sun City West, Arizona
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
My studio located in the center of our home.
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
I sculpted my first polymer clay piece in 1969/70. I am retired now and truly enjoy the time I now have to create. For me, it really is "all about creating". I am a multi-media artist. My passions are polymer clay, beadwork and painting in acrylic mediums. I love creating unique jewelry and artwork. All three of these mediums provide me with a veritable respository of techniques and endless possibilities.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.

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