Kathryn Bowman

Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
St. Louis Area
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Kathryn Bowman Studio
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
A life long artist, Kathryn, now lives as a full time jewelry artist. She loves sharing her knowledge for making jewelry and has found teaching and writing to be a very rewarding part of her artist life. Kathryn beads, wire wraps and is a metalsmith which may seem schizophrenic, but it all comes together for a harmonious whole.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.
What media do you work with?
My work is a marriage of metalsmithing and beadweaving, each supporting the other.

Comment Wall:

  • Brigitte Martin

    Welcome to crafthaus, the network for artists and fine craftsmen/women ! I am very glad you joined us !

    Please add your thoughts to the blogs and discussion forums that are already posted. Of course, if there is something else you'd much rather talk about, please add that to the site so that the rest of us can chime in.

    I really hope you will enjoy being with this network, and will find the exchanges interesting and fun. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it, for sure.

    Please note that crafthaus is both a fully edited and a member-financed website, meaning that a small annual fee ($20/yr or $35/2yrs) is involved in being a member here. You will find all the necessary information on how to go about this in the FAQs section of the site. Your membership fee is due on or before March 15, 2010 and is payable through paypal (preferred,) US check or credit card.

    All images sent to the website will be reviewed to assure some measure of overall quality control. Crafthaus is not a "free-for-all" meaning that not all images sent to crafthaus actually make it onto the website. Members present their work in front of an educated and critical audience (their peers,) so the images have to be GREAT in both content and photo quality. From the many images received daily, we try to post as many as possible.

    Crafthaus does not support any kind of commercial solicitation of our membership. Anyone sending out communication of that kind will be suspended from the site.

    Finally, if there are ever any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me via crafthauseditor@live.com anytime. I will do my best to be of help.

    Again: Welcome and enjoy !

    Brigitte Martin
    Crafthaus Editor
  • Victoria Lansford

    Thanks! I hope I get to meet you while I'm in St. Louis. Best of luck with your show!