Liana Pattihis



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
United Kingdom
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Own Workshop, London UK
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
My work comprises mainly brooches and necklaces made out of various designs of silver and gold chain alone, or chain attached onto a copper mesh base which are then enamelled. Even though I have endless sources of inspiration, looking into ancient Greek and Cypriot Jewellery had a tremendous influence on my work. The unconventional process I follow in the making of my jewellery is a product of many months of experimenting with sifting and fusing enamels, which resulted in me pioneering a unique method of fusing enamel on a movable base (chain). My aim is to try and stretch the boundaries of what can be achieved with glass powder as a medium, thus introducing a unique way of enamelling in the contemporary jewellery world as an alternative to what is already out there.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.

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  • Miriam Rowe

    Hi Liana, thanks for the friend request! So what did you think of SCHMUCK?
    I really love all the tiny repetitive elements that make up so many of your pieces- really beautiful!
  • Miriam Rowe

    I agree- there was good work at SCHMUCK, but an overwhelming amount of not-very-inspiring jewellery, too. I thought the Talente show had a much better quality of work, over all. Did you go to the opening for Karl Fritsch's curated exhibition on Friday night at the Pinakotek der Moderne? I think that was one of the big highlights of the whole event for me- and I agree with you, it was also really good to meet other designers and makers and talk about nothing but jewellery for days at a time!
  • Brigitte Martin

    Hello Liana: Thank you very much for your membership renewal and continued support of crafthaus. Your membership is valid through April 15, 2015. Enjoy crafthaus!