Janis Kerman

Montreal, Quebec


Profile Information:

Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
There is a symbiotic relationship between fine art and all forms of design - a conceptual fluidity where influences may move freely between disciplines promoting exchange and evolution.

I am inspired by the form, colors and textures of objects both artistic and common: architecture, furniture, paintings, ceramics, fashion...

My work is based on geometric shapes - their inherent strength, applicability, and timelessness command my respect.

Balance rather than symmetry.

By 1975 I had completed my fundamental studies in jewelry design and began experimenting with various metals and techniques. I knew that jewelry making was my direction, my métier. Two years later Janis Kerman Design was established. The focus of my work for the next ten years was the design and production of limited edition collections, detailing for fashion accessories and unique pieces. Though I enjoyed the production years and the fact that my designs were available to many, my need to focus on unique pieces was determining the next era of work. Since 1986, I have been working exclusively in precious metals, gems and experimental materials.
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  • Brigitte Martin

    Thanks for signing up again with crafthaus. Your active membership is valid through November 15, 2017.
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