Vanessa Walilko


Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
Evanston, IL
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Independent designer
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
I create elaborate pieces of beaded armor and chainmaille fashion. My desire is to create work that pushes the boundaries of what people expect from both media while also exploring the intersections of armor and fashion. I'm focused on the question of how we use objects of adornment to simultaneously communicate who we are to others while also protecting ourselves from the vulnerability of that communication.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.

Comment Wall:

  • Deborrah Daher

    Amazing work Vanessa - wonderfully made and the fit is graceful, too.
  • Brigitte Martin

    Thank you very much for your membership payment and support of crafthaus. Your membership is valid through April 15, 2014.
    Enjoy crafthaus!