Joolie Curcuru

Pepperell, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Anywhere and Everywhere
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
A BFA in Jewelry/Metals from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth recently finished, still shiny and new on the wall, I am slowly but surely collecting all the tools an accoutrement necessary for a fully functioning studio at home.
Currently and tirelessly seeking out employment while nannying and teaching the sporadic workshop to children I am ceaselessly searching for more funds to feed my wanderlust. With 17 countries under my belt I won't stop until I've seen them all and eventually settled in the one I deem most suitable for a person of my nature.

Comment Wall:

  • Marlene True

    Hello Joolie, I like your use of color and attention to both the front and back of your work. Very nice.
  • Leeza Khoury

    Joolie!!! What's up Chica!?! I miss ya! How have you been? I don't have a computer at the moment so my appologies for being absent minded when I haven't responded. Not being in school and doing Homework has been lots of fun. I got a small business loan and am now working out the kinks in outfitting my studio! Whenever you are down this way you are more than welcome to come and play! Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving! Text me or call me sometime! Talk to you soon!