Amanda Outcalt

Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
Norfolk, VA
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
My studio, the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Titustown Visual Arts Center
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
My artwork examines and embraces the changing roles of women. Both my paintings and metalwork reveal the conflict I feel about fulfilling traditional feminine roles while seeking my own independence. Sometimes I see my paintings as a celebration of finding magic within the mundane, of being happy with the ordinary. At other times, my work reads to me as a commentary on the roles a female has occupied in recent western history. The reappearing goldfish in my paintings symbolize this duality. A goldfish traditionally represents abundance, happiness, and good fortune; however, it can also be a symbol of entrapment. In domestication it can only grow to the size of its bowl.
In my metalwork and my jewelry, the messages tend to be more hidden than in my paintings. Jewelry is extremely intimate. The intricacies of the backs of brooches, necklaces, and rings are known only to the wearer- a kind of personal secret. My jewelry references my changing ideas about womanhood as I go through my life and encounter milestones that millions of other women also relate to - family, body image, health issues, love, building a career and a life for oneself, and uncertainty about the future. Juggling these responsibilities while also trying to bring beauty into my life and environment inspire me to create my work.
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  • Cappy Counard

    Oh, hello. It is so good to hear from you! Are you still making your beautiful work? What are you doing these days? I am about to have a baby any minute...literally! So life is upended but sweet. I am happy to be back in contact. Hoping to be in Seattle this spring if all goes well. Sending a big hug.
  • Leslie A. Schug

    I really enjoy your colorful, narrative work! How long have you worked with enamels?
  • Brigitte Martin

    Thank you very much for your membership renewal and continued support of crafthaus. Your membership is valid through January 15, 2016.
    Enjoy crafthaus!