Carrie Longley


Brookville, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
Brookville, Ohio
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Adjunct Instructor at the University of Dayton
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
The driving force behind my sculpture is the relationship of science and art. Collections, categories, labels, frames, and display cases are all devices used by science and art to encourage the viewer to carefully examine precious objects and artifacts. My intention as an artist is to create a playful shifting back and forth between our traditional ideas of a scientific specimen and art object.
My work is constructed from a combination of various interests, experiences, and memories, which generate exponential possibilities for continuing my drive as an artist. I am continually inspired and amazed by the germination of a seed, the birth of a baby, and the intricate web of relationships among humans, plants, and animals. Although my work is laden with personal lived experience, it is my hope that all viewers relate to my work in a way that evokes memory, wonder, and curiosity.
I utilize the malleable characteristics of clay to create small-scale sculptures, which resemble preserved scientific specimens. The forms display warty surfaces, soft, fleshy folds, and puckered openings, suggestive of organic growth. I use clay primarily for its material and technical possibilities and its chameleon-like ability to mimic organic form and surfaces. The aesthetic characteristics of glaze allow me to achieve a surface depth similar to a membrane or skin of an organism.
Although our way of seeing the natural world has dramatically advanced, the mysteries surrounding this world are ever present. My work celebrates this sense of mystery, existing somewhere within the border of illusion and reality. I intend for this exhibition to create a visual dichotomy as a seemingly authentic scientific collection is displayed in a contemporary art setting.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.

Comment Wall:

  • Jason Kishell


    Your work is absolutley wonderful! What clay body and glaze/finishing do you use?
  • Jason Kishell

    Hello Carrie,

    Thank you again for participating in our NCECA exhibition.  Your work is amazing and I overheard quit a number of people commenting on it and spending significant time with each piece.  Keep doing what you do best!