Kristin Mitsu Shiga


Portland, Oregon

United States

Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
Portland, Oregon, USA
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Oregon College of Art & Craft, Museum of Contemporary Craft, Multnomah Arts Center, Shag Shaggy Chug
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
I am a metalsmith, teacher, and arts administrator in Portland, Oregon.

When time in the studio becomes more scarce, the weight of its preciousness can sabotage the creative process. With my most recent body of work, I chose to approach it with a discipline not unlike my meditation practice. Creating a structured schedule filled with quiet rituals allowed for reflection and discovery brought on mostly by patience and repetition. At its best, this practice can lead to the distillation of thought; an intensely fertile ground ready as soon as you find time to engage it.

Ideas that I tucked away for later use coalesced, allowing unexpected intersections and alignments to emerge. The “cosies” and plates, for example, grew out of a project called “Unfinished, Damaged and Broken.” With this fledgling sculpture series, I took found objects and either completed, repaired or protected them. This exploration led to other discoveries involving unexpected interactions between materials, embodied in much of the jewelry you see here.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.,
What media do you work with?
Metals, mixed media

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  • Linda Kaye-Moses

    Hey Kristin,

    Glad to hear that the prelim $$$ for your CoLab project trip came through. Why not? You do good stuff! Remind me where you'll be in Aotearoa (Maori for NZ, but you knew that, right?). I have a few friends there, jewelers, and if you're going to be  anywhere nearby...well you get the picture. Get back to me.

    Linda Kaye-Moses

  • Ross Annels

    Hi Kristin - thanks for the friend add - I've been lurking here on Crafthaus for a few years now. Would like to have a discussion with you sometime about the role of ritual in your practice - I am very interested in how crafted objects can create everyday rituals that disrupt the profanity of modern industrial life.
    Look forward to the next opportunity to have that conversation In person
  • Brigitte Martin

    Hello Kristin,

    Thanks for signing up again with crafthaus. Your active membership is valid through January 15, 2019.

    Now that you’ve successfully re-registered you can get even more involved. This means, you’re not just getting the whole crafthaus picture... you are a part of it. Your contributions via blogs, photos, and discussions will enrich our open crafthaus environment immensely, so please let us know what’s going on in your art life! Don't hold back!
If there are ever any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me via crafthauseditor at live dot com, I will do my best to be of help.

    Thanks for being a crafthaus member!