Anthony Tammaro


Philadelphia PA

United States

Profile Information:

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Philadelphia / DELL XPS workstation
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
I create objects using 3D software. I use a number of different additive processes to realize my work in a tangible state.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.

Comment Wall:

  • Brigitte Martin

    Dear Anthony:

    Welcome to crafthaus ! I am glad you joined us.

    There is always a lot of activity on the site, so it's great that you already uploaded images of your amazing work so quickly. I am sure you will get a lot of feedback soon.

    Please feel free to add your comments to the blog/discussion topics that are already posted. Of course, if there is something else you'd much rather talk about, please add that to the site so that the rest of us can chime in.

    I really hope you will enjoy being with this network and find the exchanges interesting and fun. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it, for sure.

    If there are ever any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me anytime. I will do my best to be of help.

    Again: Welcome !

    Brigitte Martin
    Director, Luke & Eloy Gallery
  • Francesca Vitali

    your thesis work is amazing, not just all the pieces are great and so imaginative, but the photography is the perfect complement to the work!
  • Jill Baker Gower

    Hi Anthony, Thanks! Were you in the Neoteric Matter show? Your work is great, love the blue neckpiece.
  • Jana Roberts Benzon

    Great work, Anthony! Like Jill, I love the blue piece....beautiful movement..
  • nisa blackmon

    greetings, anthony! thank you for the friend request -- I really like your work, too! I love the way the neckpieces are both "plastic" and organic at the same time! I am really interested in the interplay between "plasticity" in both the artificial and physiological/genetic sense, so your neckpieces are very intriguing to me! We should chat sometime.
    happy holidays!
  • Katy Franklin

    Hi Anthony! This whole crafthaus thing is new to me and I just now saw your comment for the first time! I must say this site is pretty cool.

    I just got an internship with a jeweler and what he has been really pushing with me is CAD! He said if I want to be successful as a jeweler I should keep practicing CAD. So you might be hearing from me with random questions every now and then if that's cool. :)

    I hope all is well. Thanks for being such an awesome (and very patient) teacher. Talk to you soon!
  • Lilyana Bekic

    Beautiful work! I recognize some of it....we must have had a postcard floating around the metals studio at SDSU. I am amazed at the capabilities of computers in the right hands.
  • Lilyana Bekic

    Yes, I will be attending SNAG. I am looking forward to the conference and seeing Philadelphia.
  • Hratch Babikian

    Hey ,i can't beleive it , it is a small world after all, how you been Anthony, where is your bat cave these days? I am very glad and impressed with your work on this site, hats off to ya.
  • Lilyana Bekic

    Fo shizzle! Hope to bump into you at SNAG.
  • Dennis Nahabetian

    Great use of Cad/Cam. Nice work.
  • Donald Friedlich

    Hi Anthony. Can you bring that laser sintered steel bracelet to the conference? That's a great piece I want to see in person.
  • Donald Friedlich

    Hi Anthony. I didn't realize the ICFF was this week. I've always wanted to see it. I tried to check registration on their site, but they are only accepting in person registration at this late date. What do you need to get in on Monday? How much of a "design professional" do you have to be? I'm toying with taking the train up from Philly for the day.
  • Lilyana Bekic

    Nice meeting you too! It's always nice to meet the person behind the work.
    Take care,
  • Brigitte Martin

    Dear Anthony:

    Thank you very much for your membership payment and support of the crafthaus community. Your membership is good through 5-15-2010.

    It was very nice meeting you during the conference, and I look MUCH forward to your future participation on crafthaus. :-)

    Be well, Brigitte
  • Jill Baker Gower

    Thanks Anthony! We enjoyed hanging out with the two of you as well. See you at the BBQ! (:
  • Brandon Holschuh

    Nice Meeting you in Philly. Excellent work and one pretty nice hat too.....
  • emiko oye

    Great meeting you too, Anthony--and thanks for letting me know about Sharon, I'll contact her. Let me know if you're ever in SF!
    best, emiko
  • Anne M. Fiala

    Hi Anthony,
    Nice to meet you! Your work is amazing. You are really pushing the boundaries of rapid prototyping. I'm looking forward to seeing more! :)
    Best, Anne
  • emiko oye

    hey anthony! that's great you're multimedia blogging the conference; i love blogging conferences for the sake of the larger metals audience since it gives you the go-ahead to really approach people, snap their photo and sit up front! i'll be watching your blog since i'll miss this conference. see you next year in seattle!
  • Sarah Abramson

    Hello Anthony!

    I had the pleasure of meeting Bridgette yesterday at the Museum of Art and Design, and she suggested that we be in touch, so I was pleased to see your friend request this morning. I am familiar with your work from the Vexler Gallery exhibit during last year's SNAG conference, and am impressed with your ability to design such complex forms digitally! I would love to learn more about you and your working style.

    Are you in NYC? Would you like to get coffee sometime soon? Are you attending the SNAGgle tooth conference?


  • Laura GC

    Thanks! I like your work.