Steampunk-A gaslamp fantasy made real

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  • The Justified Sinner

    Steampunk has so many detractors but to my mind, it is one of the most creative movements in a very long time. I've dabbled - I suppose my "Supercollider" piece has SP elements - but I defer to the masters for the superlative work. Does anyone know the work of Eric Freitas?



    Would be great to have him on Crafthaus.

  • Timothy Jay Nelson

    I'm so glad to see the outpouring of interest in my work and this genre! If you have any specific aspects of the aesthetic that you want to explore in greater depth please let me know. I am compliing images and sources to begin discussing the fashion of steampunk and how art and art jewelry fits into that. Especially with regards to art, the steampunk fashion is a living, breathing entity!


  • Brigitte Martin

    Grab your Goggles
    It's full Steampunk Ahead!


    It's full Steampunk ahead at the 11th annual Craftboston Spring exhibition and sale of contemporary art, craft and design. This year, Craftboston will have a special Steampunk focus. "What the heck is steampunk?" you ask. Good question! Loosely defined, steampunk is an aesthetic created by blending Victorian- era culture and modern technological advances, incorporating elements of science fiction and/or fantasy.  


    For a better explanation than we can give, Modvic's Bruce Rosenbaum will be giving a "Living Steampunk" lecture on both Saturday and Sunday.   "Steampunk Sunday" will also include demonstrations to teach you "How to steampunk your bicycle", "How to steampunk your clock" and much more! Additionally, wear your best Steampunk outfit for a $5 discount (can not be combined with any other discount) at the door.

    So grab your brass compass, pop in your monocle and navigate your way to the Seaport to see some re-imagined craft! Make sure to click here for a complete list of lectures and demonstrations throughout the weekend.


    Image: ModVic's Full Head of Steampunk, Craftboston Spring mixed media