peg fetter

Saint Louis, MO

United States

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Where do you live ? City, State and Country
St. Louis, MO
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
my studio
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
I work in my studio, and I teach at Craft Alliance, Fontbonne University and St. Louis University
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  • anne havel

    hi peg,

    sorry for taking so long to write back.  i started getting sick on friday and just was too worn out at night to do email.  i actually am still feeling lousy but i have so much email to do.  i introduced myself to lisa.  she is lovely, just like you said.  altho i did poorly at the show, i didn't leave my booth much cos we're always afraid we'll miss that "one great sale."  i don't know how lisa did, but many jewelers weren't happy.  i asked those that i know and i may have found one who was reasonably happy.


    i volunteered for the gallery crawl right outside facere.  i wanted to be sure to get to see it so this was my insurance!!  there is so much happening i don't know how i'll decide.  those coordinators--i don't know how they do it.  they must not have to work at all because this seems like a full time job for a very long time.


    i'm excited to go to snag but at the same time scared, as i have to leave for my biggest and most important show 2 days after i get home.  the timing was very bad for me this year.  but i think i say the same thing every year!


    not sure what you meant by "Clayton was tough, really, keep trying. we can talk more about that later."  did you get accepted/rejected from the show?  


    anyway, going to make a cup of tea now.  maybe it will help the sinuses!!



  • Anne Randall

    Thanks, Peg, for such a nice start to crafhaus!


  • Brigitte Martin

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