

How do you feel about a SNAG sale? The idea of holding a sale has come up and I am looking to gage the level of interest in such an event.


My ideas are:

10 - 15 artists exhibit 'sellable' work priced $200 and under

Simple display eg. nails on a wall, so artists don't need to transport a lot of displays

Only 1 or 2 evenings so artists don't miss out on all the juicy SNAG events

Theme: Sellable items, so it's an exhibition that studies the art of sellable work



- International artists would need to bring work over the boarder. My solution is to only have Canadian artists involved. What do you think about this?

- Funding: This would be funded by the artists, so any ideas on fundraising are welcome. 


Would you participate in a sale? Would you want to sell your work at SNAG? Do you think the public would be interested in such an event which would help raise the awareness of art jewellery and SNAG? Do you think selling in the event would take away from your experience of the workshops, lectures, and exhibitions? Or would the prospect of selling entice you to come to the conference, as it would help fund your SNAG participation?


Please feel free to comment on any aspects of this idea, all thoughts are welcome.






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Interesting thoughts. I have not found that anything is sellable. I have found that certain pieces of mine sell easier, and are not dependant on the location and price, but I know many artists who have work that has never sold.

You've reminded me to revist the definition of the term 'sellable', and it basically means to exhange money for an item.

I think by keeping the price bellow $200 it seperates the event from other SNAG exhibitions that are concept based. Most work in exhibitions are for sale, and are pricedd, but in the exhibitions I visited at SNAG the ideas holding the work together were conceptual, like the Body Extremities Exhibtion. My piece was for sale, but was excepted based on it's concept and form, not it's price, and not it's likelihood to sell, even though I have sold it.

My idea for this exhibition/sale, would be for the work shown to be sellable in some way. Personally I think sellable items are wearable, affordable, designed to appeal to both a large audience and be relevant to the times in some way. However you've brought up a good idea, to start defining the idea of 'sellable', for jurying the work, as it is a very broad idea.

Initially I thought artists could display a piece that is part of one of their lines that has sold well in the past, illiminating the need to define 'sellable', but this new idea to have new work is very appealing to me.

Thanks for these ideas,



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