The Association for Contemporary Jewellery


The Association for Contemporary Jewellery

The Association for Contemporary Jewellery is devoted to the promotion, representation, understanding and development of contemporary jewellery in the United Kingdom and abroad.


Location: UK
Members: 67
Latest Activity: Oct 11, 2020

The Association for Contemporary Jewellery

is devoted to the promotion, representation, understanding and development of contemporary jewellery in the United Kingdom and abroad.

Founded as a membership association in 1997 and registered as a Limited Company in 2006, it recognises a need to foster discussion, debate and critical review and interaction amongst its members. To this end we organise conferences, lectures, seminars, workshops and an annual general meeting for our members. Our regular newsletter, findings, features reviews, information, comment, book offers and discounts and is of benefit to both our members and the wider public. We also produce a monthly e-bulletin featuring news and opportunities.

We welcome as members practising jewellers, associated designers and crafts people, educators, students, gallery owners and retailers, museum curators, critics and collectors - indeed, anyone with an interest in contemporary jewellery.

The Association for Contemporary Jewellery 
PO Box 37807 London SE23 1XJ United Kingdom 
Telephone: + 00 44 (0)20 8291 4201 
Fax: + 00 44 (0)20 8291 4452 



• promote greater understanding of contemporary jewellery
• support jewellers’ creative and professional development
• develop audiences for this lively field of contemporary craft and design

Discussion Forum

streamlining our pages

Started by Rebecca Skeels Oct 11, 2020. 0 Replies

Dear All Members, Followers and Likers of our Network pages.We are currently streamlining our pages at the moment and have found that fewer people are now following and using twitter and crafthaus to find out about jewellery events, exhibitions, opportunities, seeing new work and generally chatting about jewellery.If you use these, please head over to our other pages on other platforms: -Facebook: Group: Business page: of course, our main website…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Association for Contemporary Jewellery to add comments!

Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 16, 2011 at 3:31am

I’m pleased to be able to tell you that our application window for COLLECT 2012 is now open. You can find full details on our COLLECT homepage:

Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 10, 2011 at 3:12pm


Thank you for your interest in our Craft in Focus  & The Craft & Design Experience.

We are now inviting applications for our 2012 spring events, and also The Craft & Design Experience,  for an overview of our events see

For application forms for all our events please follow this link to the booking forms for our 2012 spring programme 
where you will be able to access a PDF booking form for each of the events. 

Details for our 2012 autumn events will be available towards the end of the year.

Should you have any difficulty in accessing these forms please feel free to telephone us   01622 747 325. 

Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 8, 2011 at 4:44am

Open Call for Works for the first international biennale of the art of metal METALOfonas / Vilnius

All artists working in metal art and similar fields are kindly invited to apply for the participation in the international metal art biennale METALOfonas. This year’s topic is Vilnius.

Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 8, 2011 at 4:41am

call for entries of art inspired by the natural world. Sun 11 & Mon 12 Sept 2011. contact Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1, 020 7930 6844. Deadline31/08/2011

Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 8, 2011 at 4:34am

Stephen Jones, one of the world’s finest milliners, is inviting designers to submit a photograph or illustration of their originally designed hat for the chance to be a part of Hats: An Anthology, a collaboration between Stephen Jones and the V&A and encourages participants to use any kind of material - from paper to metal, card to plastic.

Comment by The Justified Sinner on August 4, 2011 at 8:40am

Time Regained - Kevin Coates at The Wallace Collection.

A must-see exhibition of the work of this phenomenal artist and goldsmith, both a retrospective and a collection of new works. At The Wallace Collection until 25th September.




(Blogged here.)

Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 3, 2011 at 2:21pm

Scholarships for Young Artists to attend the Glasgow Congress in 2012

The FIDEM Executive Committee are now implementing the agreed policy of awarding 10 scholarships of 1000 Euros to assist the attendance of young artists at the 2012 Congress. The age limit for the scholarships is 25 but consideration would be given for special circumstances.

This scheme is intended to provide a framework by which artists who are relatively new to medal-making can develop their interest in the medal as a vehicle of artistic expression. Its aim is to deepen and broaden the selected artists’ knowledge of the medal and expand their awareness of the medium’s possibilities through attendance at the congress.

Artists eligible for the scheme will generally have shown an interest in medal-making and had some experience of studying and making medals. 

The applications from artists wishing to be considered for the scheme should consist of:

a letter explaining why the artist is interested in the scheme and what s/he hopes to get out of it.

a curriculum vitae.

And printed images (not transparencies or a disk) of six works by the artist. 

The Congress Registration fee will be deducted from the 1000 Euro. The balance will be made available to the successful applicant as a contribution towards travel and accommodation. 

Applications should be received by the National Delegate by April 29th 2012 who will forward these to the General Secretary Maria Rosa Figueiredo.

E-mail enquiries should be sent to Maria Rosa Figueiredo 


Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 1, 2011 at 5:58am

ACJ Members are invited to a special private view of Dr Dorothy Erickson's exhibition at the esley Craze Gallery on Thursday 15th September 2011, from 6 - 8pm. 
At 7pm Dr Erickson will give a talk about her work and that of fellow makers in Western Australia.

Tickets cost £12 and are limited to paid-up members of ACJ, and the Society of Jewellery Historians. Drinks will be served.

To apply, contact the Administrator at 


Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 1, 2011 at 5:54am
Comment by Rebecca Skeels on August 1, 2011 at 5:54am

Don't forget to add your images and discussions and questions! Hope you are all having a good creative summer!!


Members (65)


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Aleksandra Vali posted a status
"2023 Fortezza da Basso, Florence, Italy"
Sep 19, 2023
Aleksandra Vali and Letitia Pintilie are now friends
Sep 19, 2023
Catherine Marche liked Rebecca Skeels's discussion streamlining our pages
Feb 3, 2021
Jonathan Leo Brown posted a status
"An art deco inspired ocean liner container with multiple containers."
Nov 9, 2020


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