Shannon Craft
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  • Teresa Perry

Shannon Craft's Page

Profile Information

Where do you live ? City, State and Country
Lawrence, KS
Place of Work ? Example: Studio, College, Gallery, Museum, ...)
Fashion and Custom Gold Jewelry Store
I am a .... Example: Student, Maker, Educator, etc.
I am a recently graduated Metalsmithing student obsessed with the the overlaps between craft and design, form and function, timeless and trendy. I enjoy making the old new again, and exploring material in unconventional ways.
Your website, DIRECT flickr or DIRECT facebook links where your work can be seen.

Shannon Craft's Blog

A Crafted Space

Posted on January 21, 2012 at 7:13pm 0 Comments

The studio is just about complete! I spent just under $100 for new furniture, lighting etc. and here are the results:

Here’s my Metalsmithing/jewelry desk- I modified it by adding some drawer pulls to hang pliers on. The only thing missing is my bench pin, which should arrive in the mail today!…


Where to Begin

Posted on January 13, 2012 at 1:23am 1 Comment

Welcome- I’m very excited to have the opportunity to share my journey with everyone!

My name is Shannon Craft- yes, that is my actual last name! I should have known, really, that my life would take a decidedly creative path; I have always loved art and craft, but never knew I would end up trying to eke out a living creating it. I come from an extended family of do-it-yourself-but-never-cut-corners individuals, a great lifelong preparation course for becoming an artist, especially a…


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Join crafthaus

At 1:56pm on December 16, 2011, Brigitte Martin said…


Welcome to crafthaus, the network for fine craft artists and those who support them! I am very glad you joined us! Your crafthaus membership is valid through December 15, 2012.

Please look around and add your thoughts to the groups, blogs and discussions. Crafthaus is a participatory sport!

Please note that ALL images sent to the website editor are vetted to assure a measure of overall quality control. Unlike other image sharing websites, crafthaus is not a "free-for-all". Our members present their work in front of an educated and critical audience (their peers,) so the photos have to be GREAT. Our goal is to show our members' work in the best possible light. From the many images received daily, we aim to post as many as possible. Crafthaus heartily encourages comments from the membership, however, with regard to photos posted or not, we have a strict "NO WHINING" policy in effect! 

If there are ever any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me via anytime, I will do my best to be of help.

I hope you will enjoy being with this network, and will find the exchanges interesting and fun.

Again: Welcome !

Brigitte Martin
Crafthaus Editor


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Jonathan Leo Brown posted a status
"An art deco inspired ocean liner container with multiple containers."
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