All Blog Posts Tagged 'justified sinner' (283)

Edinburgh Weekend

Time to allow myself the luxury of a weekend in Edinburgh with nothing to do but see some friends and go to the opening of Stephen Bottomley's first retrospective.

I always sleep very well in Edinburgh: I stay with friends and the room in which I sleep overlooks a graveyard! Much needed as the changing clocks, seasons and the travel to and from the US has made my sleeping patterns somewhat messy.



Added by The Justified Sinner on November 12, 2012 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Last Entry from Chicago and Workshop Update

(I'm just back from a weekend in Edinburgh, which is why there was a hiatus.)



The last day in Chicago was one of pure tourism. I woke up very early and as the show opened at 11 am and my airport  shuttle was at 11.30 am, I thought that a walk around the area to see some more of the city would be in order.



Added by The Justified Sinner on November 11, 2012 at 9:51am — No Comments

SOFA Day 3 - Saturday, November 3rd

By Saturday, I had the programme sorted: I wanted to hear the talk about "Mr Imagination" at 4pm, had to meet a friend for lunch at 1pm and knew that I wanted to see a bit more of the city and the amazing architecture of the place. 


A Century Of Architecture


One of the things I love about American city architecture is the way that…


Added by The Justified Sinner on November 8, 2012 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

SOFA Chicago, Day 2

Day 2 - Friday 2nd November

An early start for me today as I wanted to have a look around the area around the hotel, Chicago's "Magnificent Mile" of very expensive brand-name shops. The first people I encountered were these unlikely fellows: 




Chicago has a LOT of homelessness and I was particularly…


Added by The Justified Sinner on November 7, 2012 at 5:45pm — 2 Comments

Just got back from the Windy City... SNAG at SOFA Chicago

As I normally say 'no' to Doris Day stereotypes, I apologise for the obvious title to this post!

It is, however, true. I have just arrived home from the thrilling three-day excursion to Chicago for SOFA 2012. It was brilliant, and not at all windy. I am still trying to process it all and the to get round to emailing all the people I need to talk to.…


Added by The Justified Sinner on November 6, 2012 at 4:35pm — 2 Comments


Time for spooky things, so I finished my second Spoon Skull Pendant with Antlers today:


Second Spoon Skull Pendant With Antlers - 2

The chain is made from silver and chunks of the EPNS cutlery which I've butchered to make other spoon skull things. I really like the fake hallmarks on these and two of them feature on the sides of the chain.…


Added by The Justified Sinner on October 31, 2012 at 2:57pm — 2 Comments

Chicago - SOFA - Three Days!

It is only three days until I fly to Chicago to help out at the SNAG Stand at SOFA. Obviously, I am hoping that lots of Crafthaus people who are there will stop by to say "hello" and introduce themselves to me, SNAG member or otherwise.



I've been at a bit of a loose end for the past few weeks. After finishing some items to wear at SOFA, I was waiting on getting the go-ahead for a collaborative project with my friend and colleague, photographer…


Added by The Justified Sinner on October 28, 2012 at 3:52pm — No Comments

Vanilla Ink Revisited

Some readers might remember that in February of this year, I spent an evening in Dundee for the launch of Kate Pickering's fantastic project, Vanilla Ink, a shop, a community, a support network, a workshop. Today was the first day of the workshop project going live, the first intake of real graduates into the year-long mentor-supported world of…


Added by The Justified Sinner on October 1, 2012 at 2:53pm — No Comments

Autumn Again

I have no idea where the weeks go. It is now two weeks since I last posted a blog entry and the end of September is upon us; the wind and rains, the chilling air, herald autumn without even the good grace of the last few warm days that September usually brings, Keats' "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness".


Spent last weekend in Brighton, recovering from the 'flu which always accompanies the start of term... all those viri travelling distances with students from far away,…


Added by The Justified Sinner on September 30, 2012 at 2:17pm — No Comments

The Black Prince

Things have been incredibly busy at work, setting up the new students, returning all the Diamond Jubilee work to the makers, making some new pieces, preparing for the "ENOUGH: Violence" show at SCC next August as well as helping a friend of mine - Wing Mun Devenney - write her new book, a technical manual on soldering. 

One of the aspects of my practice which I've not really thought about properly and which I don't document…


Added by The Justified Sinner on September 19, 2012 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Blood Will Have Blood

SO busy! All my first, second and third years have started for two weeks now and the degree final year students started today... In between, I've been packing up the Diamond Jubilee exhibition and finishing my "Macbeth Brooch".


Macbeth Brooch - 27


The hackle is raven feathers. It is traditional in Scotland (I read, but have never…


Added by The Justified Sinner on September 11, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Four Helicopters, The Queen of England and a Sofa...

I've been incredibly busy since my last post, what with all my new students starting their various courses this week in addition to a raft of other things going on.


Mittwoch Aus Licht - 1


I spent the weekend in my favourite British city, Birmingham. The reason for going there was to hear the premier of Karlheinz Stockhausen's…


Added by The Justified Sinner on August 28, 2012 at 3:25pm — 4 Comments

Unjustifiably overlooked...

Some months ago I was contacted by Sia Corrina, the editor of a free, online magazine entitled "Serendipity" and asked if I would contribute to her "Apocalyptic Art" edition, Winter 2011. Of course, I agreed, but somewhere along the line then forgot that the article had been written, that the magazine was published and that I had work in it, along with two other Crafthaus artists, Francesca Gabrielli and…


Added by The Justified Sinner on August 13, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

The Olympic Cauldron

Well, I was prepared to hate the opening ceremony for the Olympic games which was on last night (sorry that my friends in the US had a somewhat edited version of it) but I loved the crazy Britishness of it all. There were just so many fantastic moments! My two favourites were the pogo-ing creatures during the "Pretty Vacant" section and the bit which is of most interest to metalsmiths, the lighting of the unbelievably beautiful "Cauldron" for the flame.



Added by The Justified Sinner on July 28, 2012 at 3:54pm — 3 Comments

Leaving Pittsburgh

Why The Long Face?

Sad to be leaving Pittsburgh.

As you can see, I had another night with Brigitte and we went to the Pittsburgh institution, Sarris, where we had the most gigantic banana splits I've ever seen. Delicious! I'm not…


Added by The Justified Sinner on July 22, 2012 at 3:53pm — 2 Comments

Robot Attack!

I'll get to the robots in a moment. First of all, my class at the SCC... There isn't much to say about the class at the SCC as we weren't really making projects, more exploring techniques through making samples and finding ways of problem-solving for processes which the people in the class used. As such, I have no photographs of work to show. What I do have is a photograph of all the people involved:



Added by The Justified Sinner on July 14, 2012 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

"You Can't Wear That!"


Or, as Will - above - would tell you, Yes You Can Wear That!

Last weekend, I spent a brilliant two days with some young peope at the Society for Contemporary Crafts in Pittsburgh running a workshop looking at creativity, oblique ways of looking at every day objects and the creation of jewellery from those objects. The…


Added by The Justified Sinner on July 11, 2012 at 7:06pm — 5 Comments

Cut in Clerkenwell - Pittsburgh 2012

Although it is almost a week since the event - I've been travelling and am now in Pittsburgh - I really should write up an exciting event I attended on Monday last week in London, "Cut In Clerkenwell" which is an exhibition at Craft Central by the Hand Engravers' Association in the UK, a most worthy body who have a highly talented and esteemed membership - including…


Added by The Justified Sinner on July 8, 2012 at 8:30pm — No Comments



End of another academic year, I've cleared my bench of everything to allow the summer-school lecturer to use it. As some of you already know, I am off to PITTSBURGH next week and will be at the SCC for a short while. I'm always keen to meet other metalsmiths: feel free to get in touch if you are able to meet…


Added by The Justified Sinner on June 28, 2012 at 6:04am — 9 Comments

North Glasgow College BA (Hons) Degree Show 2012 - Jewellery and Visual Arts

Well, it is all over for another year. The work is done, the results are out and my students are off into the big bad world. Last night (Friday) was the first night of their degree show - which they shared with the BA Visual Arts students - and I have to say that I am very proud of their efforts.

For various reasons, notably the late-arrival of the all-essential bar, I've not had a chance to photograph everyones' work, so I will be posting later next week with updates of photographs…


Added by The Justified Sinner on June 16, 2012 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

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