

How do you feel about a SNAG sale? The idea of holding a sale has come up and I am looking to gage the level of interest in such an event.


My ideas are:

10 - 15 artists exhibit 'sellable' work priced $200 and under

Simple display eg. nails on a wall, so artists don't need to transport a lot of displays

Only 1 or 2 evenings so artists don't miss out on all the juicy SNAG events

Theme: Sellable items, so it's an exhibition that studies the art of sellable work



- International artists would need to bring work over the boarder. My solution is to only have Canadian artists involved. What do you think about this?

- Funding: This would be funded by the artists, so any ideas on fundraising are welcome. 


Would you participate in a sale? Would you want to sell your work at SNAG? Do you think the public would be interested in such an event which would help raise the awareness of art jewellery and SNAG? Do you think selling in the event would take away from your experience of the workshops, lectures, and exhibitions? Or would the prospect of selling entice you to come to the conference, as it would help fund your SNAG participation?


Please feel free to comment on any aspects of this idea, all thoughts are welcome.






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Personally, I think some sort of "selling event" at a future SNAG conference would be a good thing. Thanks for bringing it up, Rickson.

So, why not, let's collect some ideas here, and maybe something can happen eventually.
Thanks Brigitte, good vibes. :)
I think a sale BEFORE or AFTER the conference might be a good idea. Most artists I know don't really buy art and I'm not sure how it would work out with the general public roaming all over the conference space. How do the hotels feel about having the general public coming to the conference, is that an increase security issue? As for selling I think if SNAG hired someone to sell than the artist could go to the conference, workshop etc. and not miss anything that is of interest to them; of course the artist could be at the sale if they had open time I'm sure some sort of fee or percentage could be work out. If the general public was to come to the conference, wouldn’t that mean, so sort of advertising cost. Bottom line, if the public know about the conference (advertising) I would be interested, I’m always interested in getting more clients. At least we all could bring cards to expand the public interest in our jewelry and SNAG. I hope that I have not discouraged the idea just bringing up some points of concerns.
Yes! Very good points. I was thinking of holding the sale more alongside the 'gallery crawls' so 'off campus' from the actual conference, to make it accessible to both the public and the conference attendees. To help the artists involved in the sale from missing a lot of the conference, AND to make it an exclusive event, we thought a one or two night sale, only 1-2 hours a night would be attractive.

The idea of the sale being before or after the conference is definitely logical and has come up. However, many artists travelling to the event will miss it if they can't stay longer than the length of the conferance. If it were a large sale like the One of a Kind Show, having it before or after the conferance with a slight overlap would be suitable, and maybe in the future this is a possibility. But for now, I am thinking of it more as an exclusive, exhibition, about sellable art jewellery. To really be a SNAG sale, I think it should be during the conferance, and be just another element of the SNAG experience. Maybe it can be promoted during any SNAG workshops on pricing, exhibiting or selling your work. Just one more treat for our gold sweet teeth! :)

I am personally very much into promotion, and have already started brainstorming catchy names, and advertisement images. However, I doubt I can or should do it all alone, so it depends how much support and involvement I receive from people. But I've put on shows before in Toronto and plan to advertise both on the streets, online and in print.

Thanks so much for your ideas, all worth while.

Hershal, every single artist we know (and we know a lot of artists) buys art. Moreover, other artists buy a lot of OUR art. We're artists and we buy art. Every year at the conferences we SEE artists buying each others work in informal exchanges. We have both sold and purchased art in this manner. We also see lots of artists wearing the work of other artists that they have purchased. That said, no one argues the fact that opening a selling event to the public will draw a larger audience with corresponding potential for increased sales.

Consider also that there are numerous tangential benefits to the artists and to SNAG in organizing and participating in an event like this.
Yes! I noticed this as well. Artists sell their work at the conferance anyways, so why not have an arena for it! I think at first, not all artists will be accomodated, but if it grows, maybe it can become similar to the pin swap where more and more people can be involved, and have a way to sell their work more professionally at SNAG. Thanks Two Roses, love the enthusiasm.

Ah yes, and on artists buying art, for years I didn't think artists/jewellers bought other jewellers work. But as I get older (and actually have some extra income!) I have definetly started to save my pennies for truly beautiful work, that is higher priced than what I used to buy as say a student. I have even started to support other artists, even when I can get something similar for less $.

I definetly think we all get enjoyment supporting each other, and a sale would allow us the opportunity to put our money where our mouth is. :)
I remember talking to you about this at the conference. Beyond the logistics of hosting the event, time, attendants, location, I think it is a great opportunity.
Should galleries be involved or should it be closer to the organization of the pin swap? Likewise with that event the opportunity for non-hierarchical exchange among established professionals in the field and students would boost attendance and participation overall while everyone learns crucial skills. At each school I've attended there have been jewelry sales organized by clubs and organizations and to extend this experience into SNAG would encourage retention in the field, while it may make SNAG slightly less industry dependent.
Thanks Sean! Yes we did discuss this. I totally agree about the educational aspect of selling work. I always truly enjoyed the sale element in university, and wished there was more of an emphasis on selling. But I suppose you don't want to taint young minds with the pressures of selling TOO early. But I love it!

I was thinking a gallery space at first, but it may be outdoors now, in a tent, which may be more difficult for displays, but I am sure we can make it work! Depending on the gallery crawl paths, we want it to be accesable to both the public and the conference attendees, so there is a location possibility in the works. I actually missed the pin swap in Houston, so maybe you can describe it, and how the sale could be similar.

Thanks for your thoughts, always welcome.

I think a SNAG sale would be a great professional development opportunity. I know it's already been stated, but I would like to reiterate the point that this would be a wonderful way for members to practice their business skills in a safe "live" environment.

Over the years I've seen many of the same things occurring at SNAG conferences that others have already mentioned. For the past 3 years, I've purchased work from artists who have brought one of a kind work and production pieces to SNAG so I can definitely say that artists DO buy other artists work. I would love to see SNAG host a more formal selling event. However, given my recent booth experience at an outdoor festival, I would prefer an event that takes place indoors.
What was your experience outdoors? I would have agreed before this year, but I did a lot of research on how to have a successful outdoor show, and finally have! (After many failed ones)
I weight down all my displays and make sure everything is waterproof, from the displays, to the signage to the work itself.

Having said all that, I would prefer inside as well! :) But I think outdoors is more affordable, so we'll have to see what works best.

Thanks for your comments, good to see there is support, and I agree, the educational, business practice element is a good angle to emphasis.

Michelle, I was just re-reading your comment for my notes, and I had a great idea!
Professional development opportunity: link show to seminars on selling, maybe make it right after, or right before. Get artists in the Sale who are enthusiastic about selling their OWN work. Make it a live show of not only sellable work, but people who like to sell! It could be a live performance of how to sell. :)

Thanks Michelle,

Rickson I'm not sure what to think about this idea...I like it... I like less...maybe I'll want to do it


So here are my random thoughts, most of them are practical issues:

-SNAG conference for is my time off from my two jobs (lab and studio), it is regeneration time and it is relax time. It's a good way to get tired...if you know what I mean!

-Selling is work.

-Selling to my peers? Full or wholesale price?!

-hiring someone to sell your work I don't think can work, because only you (or your gallery, who knows you and your work well) can sell your work some random person not so much

-Selling to other artists..or even the idea that other artists appreciate my work enough to want to buy it is very very flattering and appealing!!

-Travel with displays, because a good display can sell your work, can be an additional and expensive cost

-what about the big portion of 'academic' crowd, don't forget some of them are very snob and deliberately do not deal with the commercial aspect of our business, would this make the difference between us and them even bigger?

I'll post ideas/issues as they come into my mind.


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