Hey Hey. A LOT has been going on so it's hard to pick what to update you on first ;)
I guess I'll reach back a bit. Sometimes being a busy busy designer like Michael Schmidt means that you have to delegate and rely on your team from far away. –Michael was in New York the week this project was brought to us [thank goodness for Skype!]. This is a hammered aluminum neckpiece that Cher used in her newest music video "Woman's World."
This piece was executed in under 30 hours. When Michael was notified of the project he only had his iPad on him. He has a number of drawing apps so he did a rendering of what was needed and sent it to me. We then patterned the piece to the measurements given to us and began fabricating the neckpiece. 
Each aluminum piece had to be sawn out, hammer textured, filed, sanded, drilled and polished. We used a number/letter system to keep all of the puzzle pieces straight, but in the end what fun is a project that doesn't have any upsets? Of course ONE piece of the puzzle has to go missing.
We ended up using a series of jump rings to articulate it because of the time crunch we were under. This is how the piece turned out front/back. Special Thanks Michael Schmidt for the job and to Kristina Moore and Rio Warner for the assist on this one!
Below is the video. Enjoy!
I'm on instagram @AficionadoStudios

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Replies to This Discussion

I really liked that you used a numbering/lettering system to keep track of the pieces. Really nice layout, it's well organized but organic. Good job!

Hey Parker,

Thanks, Yeah IDK how I would've been able to keep all those similarly shaped pieces together without it. You would have loved the number/lettering system I made up when I was making the madonna crown. Each piece of square tube had a slightly different angle, and with multiple crowns I was an OCD nightmare LOL! Glad you enjoyed the post. :)


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