Lena Vigna
  • Racine, WI
  • United States
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Lena Vigna's Blog

"HEIRLOOMS: Navigating the Personal in Contemporary Jewelry" link to article including several Crafthaus artists

Posted on February 13, 2009 at 7:55am 3 Comments

Howdy, all:

Since this is a site for sharing and this article I worked on mentions several of the great artists that are featured on Crafthaus, I thought I would forward a link. I hope that you like it!


(Art Jewelry Forum is working hard to "nurture the field of contemporary art jewelry" and supports and connects artists, curators and collectors.)

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 1:28pm on March 7, 2013, Brigitte Martin said…

Thank you very much for your membership renewal and support of crafthaus. Your membership is valid through March 15, 2014.
Enjoy crafthaus, participate often!

At 4:18am on February 18, 2010, emiko oye said…
hey lena! i know you're in the midst of moving your life across the country, but just wanted to let you know I had a wonderful time at Miami U. last week, love the exhibition, and appreciate all your efforts to get the sustainable message out there! Please let me know your mailing address when you get settled in.... best, emiko
At 9:49am on February 16, 2010, gina alvarez said…
what in the what is right!!! thank you and it is a pleasure to meet you. i would love to know more about the exhibition dealing with the doily. i recently discovered kristen wicklund's work. pretty fabulous. - gina
At 9:44am on August 23, 2009, Sharon Massey said…
Thanks Lena, and nice to meet you!
At 3:41pm on June 11, 2009, Brigitte Martin said…
Hello Lena:

I just went through the latest Metalsmith and read your wonderful article "Ornamentalism Revisited". What a great piece. Of course, I love that 2 crafthausers are inlcuded as well... Emiko and Lauren - Oh, and your co-author is on crafthaus too :-)

Well, again: Congratulations to you ! Really Wonderful !

At 4:18pm on April 1, 2009, Burcu Büyükünal said…
Thank you Lena:)
At 12:44am on March 25, 2009, Lilyana Bekic said…
Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments and the friend request. It's very nice to meet you.
At 12:02am on March 19, 2009, Lynette Andreasen said…
Thanks so much Lena! I loved the article! My work totally focuses on some of those very things. And, some of the artists you mention are artists I absolutley look up to. Thank you for the link! Nice to meet you on Crafthaus. Do you have any heirloom shows coming up sometime soon?
At 8:08am on March 11, 2009, Tricia Harding said…
Dear Lena, just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your piece on Heirlooms. I just joined crafthaus and saw the link for it. There were several jewelers mentioned whose work i love, and you introduced me to a few new ones as well. I had no idea so many artists were using lace as a conceptual starting point, which is part of my concept as well. Guess I'm working in a bit of a bubble!
Has your other article, Mining History, been published yet? I look forward to reading it.
Best, Tricia
At 2:42pm on March 4, 2009, Kelly (Robinson) Miller said…
Thank you, I am thinking about going back to this idea to study it more-maybe wedding veils.

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