

How do you feel about a SNAG sale? The idea of holding a sale has come up and I am looking to gage the level of interest in such an event.


My ideas are:

10 - 15 artists exhibit 'sellable' work priced $200 and under

Simple display eg. nails on a wall, so artists don't need to transport a lot of displays

Only 1 or 2 evenings so artists don't miss out on all the juicy SNAG events

Theme: Sellable items, so it's an exhibition that studies the art of sellable work



- International artists would need to bring work over the boarder. My solution is to only have Canadian artists involved. What do you think about this?

- Funding: This would be funded by the artists, so any ideas on fundraising are welcome. 


Would you participate in a sale? Would you want to sell your work at SNAG? Do you think the public would be interested in such an event which would help raise the awareness of art jewellery and SNAG? Do you think selling in the event would take away from your experience of the workshops, lectures, and exhibitions? Or would the prospect of selling entice you to come to the conference, as it would help fund your SNAG participation?


Please feel free to comment on any aspects of this idea, all thoughts are welcome.






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Hmmm, interesting points. I agree artists should sell their work. I am the type to take on way too much, so getting tired is not a fear, it's a goal! haha. SO that means, making the sale as easy and stress free as possible is a goal of mine, BUT the ones involved must be prepared for work. :)

If you are interested in taking part I will put you on the list of candidates.

Displays...personally I think a blank canvas type display would be best. I like group shows where all the work is displayed on the same background becuase it emphasises the individuality of the work. But this is a personal opinion, I will keep yours in mind, as there may be a way we can have people bring displays, and this can add to the selling aspect....we can explore how displays can help sell your work. Good idea.

I agree with your comment about the academic crowd. I think the people not interested in the idea will simply not take part. However I would like to put an educational bent on the entire event to keep it appealing to both academics and business people (surely there are some who are both. :) I think keeping the work to a high quality but affordable price will suit the most wants and needs in the end.

Thanks so much, responding to you opened up some new ideas in me.

Francesca, I thought I'd ask you directly, if we did make the Sale open to non Canadian artists, AND you did want to participate, how would you deal with bringing work across the boarder? This was a concern that was brought up, and I personally haven't found huge issues with selling work in the US. Have you had issues? Would it effect your participaition (if you were participating) :)


I would like to back track on that statement about artist not buy other artist work. As my wife pointed out that we have a large collection of other artist work. When I was younger I did not buy other artist work because I couldn't afford it, but over the year we have bartered and brought others’ work. For some strange reason, I just never really looked at it as a purchase, that's great. I know the pins from the pin swap my wife is in LOVE with them and wears them very proudly. When people ask where she got that pin I notice her nose goes up in the air when she states. “oh, you can't get this, it comes from the SNAG conference". I must confess a lot of those pins I would have been willing to pay for. Maybe that would be a good start for the first show, just pins or whatever. I'm all in for teaching artist lessons on how to sell crafts.
Hmm, interesting point. Maybe we could have artists create work that is new, and is available to the public for the first time EVER at the first SNAG SALE ever. I like this idea! Thanks.

It's also an interesting idea to sell just pins. I was thinking of necklaces. That way we could have an image of someone getting 'Snagged' by a necklace on a gallery wall. But come to think of it a pin makes more sence, we could have a sweater being snagged by a bunch of pins.

OOO, so many great ideas! Thanks!

Oh sorry, the SNAG sale may happen before 2013, but new work, still good idea. :)
A lot of the artists we have spoken with express an interest in selling work at SNAG conference, There are some notable exceptions and they raise valid points. Francesca expressed the idea earlier in this discussion, that selling at the conference becomes a work intrusion on what would otherwise be playtime. We agree, and feel a bit of this ourselves. But we also understand that participating in such an event is purely voluntary and based on interest, just like the seminars and other events. The big question here is not whether YOU personally would participate in a selling event. Rather, it is whether SNAG should have such an event at all.

Such an event would represent one of the largest gatherings of A-list and emerging artists in one place. Surely a draw for collectors and jewelry enthusiasts. Artists would be able to show and sell work at the premier annual SNAG national event.
Who wouldn't like to return home from the conference with a little more money in their pockets than they came with?

Many other national arts organizations hold member selling events. Why not SNAG?
If I attend the conference it is to enjoy the programs and speakers-not sure I want to give that up to be selling but I would like to sell work. And if I travel by plane, this could mean added expense if the sale is before or after the conference. I do think the idea of offering work for sale is a good one. Some general thoughts off the top of my head...( I know there are logistics to work out):

- Should be open to the public (Conference attendees get first dibs)
- Pricing is retail (Gallery pricing)
- Create one large shop (each artist limited to a given number of pieces) and staff it with scholarship/interns and supported by a 20-30% of sales and/or participation fee payable to SNAG (tax deductible to the artist?) and to cover space and check-out costs.
- Artists who want to staff a table/area may do so also at minimal fee.
- AND/OR Create and allow mini-co op groups (6-10 artists) with each group (with a designated point person) responsible for set up, sales, staffing, clean-up.

This costs associated should be separate and supported by the sales event either by fee and/or commission(donation) to SNAG.

The participating artists or groups should register ahead and possibly a participation limit set for the first sale (depending on response)

Rather than a spontaneous market (whoever shows up with their items) it should be organized enough ahead of time with participant names in order to be promoted.
Oh yes, I totally agree, should be organized, and not market style.

These ideas about funding and staffing are great! I am an idea person, and often forget the logistics of things, so I will be keeping your ideas on funding and staffing on file! Thanks!

So far it's independent financially from SNAG, but your idea of a fee still works to help fund the event.

The idea about mini-co op groups is cool. Then there could be one person for many artists cutting down on people missing out on other aspects of the conference.

Your idea about attendees getting first dibs is interesting. Were you thinking of opening the show to attendees a half hour before it's open to the public? Could be nice to increase the exclusivity of the event, but might deter the public from attending at all. hmm, have to think on it, good idea.

Thanks so much for some realistic solutions to funding procedures, appreciated,

This is a very good point 2 Roses. I have been looking at this from my point of view...but really who elses can I have? :) To actually answer the question, we'd have to ask 'SNAG' (I am picturing a Wizard of Oz scene with 'SNAG' behind the curtian). :)

The draw for collectors is a good point and if we can advertise and promote properly it could invite more people to the public events of the conferance.

Is there a fear that this is confusing the event, making it more public and less private? Personally I think the conferance can have both public and private events and that is fine. But are there some who dissagree? I am getting the feeling there are, but haven't actually come in contact with them.

Thanks, these are new ideas for me,

I never attended a SNAG conference yet, I missed the last one in NYC but would love to go to the next one.
I love the adea of going to the conference and selling at the same time, before or after...
I'm in !
Wonderful! If is open to non Canadian Artists I will invite you to apply.

Thanks, good to know it's a draw for someone who has never attended the conferance.

I think that anything and everything is sellable.

In this case, I am inclined to think that the term sellable means "average", appealing to a broad spectrum or low priced.

All of these limitations seem irrelevant to the premise of the event.

If someone wants to sell something for $400.,, $900. or $3000. how does that affect the event?


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